Security Advisory 2024-05

Summary Access to failed project imports in restricted spaces. (CVE-2024-4811)
Advisory Number 2024-05
Discovery Date 12 MAR 2024
Patch Release Date 23 MAY 2024
Advisory Release Date 24 JUL 2024
Product Octopus Server
Operating System Linux and Microsoft Windows
Severity Low
CVE ID CVE-2024-4811

Customers who have downloaded and installed any of the Octopus Server versions listed below ("Details") are affected.

Please upgrade your Octopus Server immediately to fix this vulnerability.

Customers who have upgraded Octopus Server to version 2024.2.9313 or higher are not affected.


Octopus Deploy has given this vulnerability a low rating. This rating was given according to the Octopus Deploy severity levels, which ranks vulnerabilities as critical, high, medium, or low severity.

This is our assessment and you should evaluate its applicability to your own environment.


In affected versions of Octopus Server under certain conditions, a user with specific role assignments can access restricted project artifacts.

The versions of Octopus Server affected by this vulnerability are:

  • All 2023.1.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.3.x versions
  • All 2023.4.x versions before 2023.4.8608
  • All 2024.1.x versions before 2024.1.12759
  • All 2024.2.x versions before 2024.2.9193


To address this vulnerability, we have released Octopus Server version:

  • 2024.2.9193
  • 2024.1.12759
  • 2023.4.8608

The latest versions of Octopus Deploy products can be downloaded from and previous versions can be downloaded from

What You Need to Do

Octopus Deploy recommends that you upgrade to the latest version (2024.2.9313). You can download the latest version of Octopus Server from

If you can't upgrade to the latest version (2024.2.9313):

If you have feature version... ...then upgrade to this version
2023.1.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.3.x 2023.4.8608 or greater
2023.4.x 2023.4.8608 or greater
2024.1.x 2024.1.12759 or greater
2024.2.x 2024.2.9193 or greater


It is important to upgrade to a fixed version as soon as possible. When exporting a project, please ensure that a complex password is used.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this advisory, please contact our support team

Exploitation and Public Announcements

The Octopus Deploy security team is not aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the vulnerability that is described in this advisory.


This vulnerability was found by szerszen199